Director of Stewardship & Finance (Full-Time)

The Director of Stewardship & Finance furthers West University UMC’s mission “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” by overseeing and administering the stewardship-related spiritual and financial affairs of the congregation–including the financial accounts and annual budgets for the general church, West U Methodist School, and the School of Fine Arts. The primary goal of this position is to work alongside the pastors, staff, and congregation to develop the spiritual discipline of generosity and to maintain proper congregational fiscal responsibility.

Read the full job posting.

To apply, email a cover letter and resume to Vinoa Wilson.

Director of Children’s Ministries (Full-Time)

The Director of Children’s Ministries furthers West University UMC’s mission “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” by creating and executing the daily programming and providing the spiritual care for the children of the congregation and community as well as their families. The primary goal of this position and its ministry area is to nurture children and families to grow in their relationship with Christ.

Read the full job posting.

To apply, email a cover letter and resume to Vinoa Wilson.