Children’s Ministries
Children’s Ministry is a key part of our church life! We offer many different programs and events throughout the year that the children of the church and community are invited to participate in.
Palm Sunday and Eggstravaganza
We love to involve our children in Holy Week! On Palm Sunday we have a tradition of having the children process with palm leaves down the center aisle of the Worship space. We do this in remembrance of Jesus’ entry into the city of Jerusalem before the Passover Festival. We also have a Palm Sunday-themed Children’s Message to go with it.
Additionally, right around Easter, we will host our annual Eggstavaganza! Eggstravaganza is our yearly Easter celebration and egg hunt. We invite the whole community to join us for a large egg hunt, bounce houses, crafts, balloon animals, and much more.
Eggstravaganza is on Palm Sunday (April 13th) at 3:00 pm. We will start Eggstravaganza in the High Court.
Vacation Bible School
VBS is our favorite week of the year! Each summer, we invite the children of the community and surrounding areas to join us for a week of fun and Worship. At VBS the children will hear the Gospel message presented to them in a fun and meaningful way! VBS is jam-packed with crazy games, crafts, engaging activities, and Worship—there is truly something for everyone to enjoy at VBS.
VBS 2025 will be June 5th-7th.
On June 5th-6th, VBS will be from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. We will wrap up VBS on June 7th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Theme and registration details coming soon!
Summer Camp
Each summer, K-5th graders are invited to join us for Summer Camp! West U Methodist Camp with Coach Jones and Mr. A will be 6 weeks of fun and games with your friends! Summer Camp offers boys and girls who have completed Kindergarten through 5th (as of school year September 2024 - June 2025) an opportunity to spend one or more weeks in a Christian camp where kids can experience summer fun and make new friends. All activities are supervised by adult teachers and assisted by college and high school students. Drop off for Summer Camp is at 9:00am and pick-up at 3pm at the High Court staircase.
Here is the 2025 Summer Camp Schedule:
Session 1: June 9-13
Session 2: June 16-20
Session 3: June 23-27
Session 4: July 7-11
Session 5: July 14-18
Session 6: July 21-25
Summer Camp registration opens on March 17th, at 9:00 am.
If you have questions about Summer Camp, please email
Children’s Message
Each Sunday we invite children to attend Worship with their families. They can choose to either sit with their family or sit with Ms. Terra, Ms. Velma, and the rest of the children on the right side of the Worship space.
During the first half of Worship, the children are invited to come to the front of the Sanctuary for the Children’s Message. It is a time for the children to hear an abbreviated and simplified version of what the congregation will be hearing during the sermon. The Children’s Message is led by our Children’s Director, Terra. At the end of the Children’s Message, Ms. Terra dismisses the children to Sunday School and they all make their way to the classroom together.
Children will return to their parents in the Worship space at the end of Worship, during the Sending Song.
Sunday School
Each Sunday we provide childcare for our elementary-aged children in the High Court during the Sunday School hour (10:00 am)
Preschool and Elementary Sunday School takes place during the Worship Hour (11:00 am) Children will attend worship with their families, or they may sit with their peers at the front of the Sanctuary. We stay in worship until the end of the Children’s Message, and then head directly to Sunday School with Ms. Terra and Ms. Velma!
Preschool Sunday School is located in room 119.
Elementary Sunday School is located on the second floor in the Elementary Sunday School Classroom.
Elementary Bible Study
Our Elementary Bible study is a time for kids to come together after school for a snack, high-energy games, a Bible lesson, and activities that build their Bible skills!
Bible Study is on Mondays from 3:00-4:30 pm and resumes on January 13th, 2025! Bible Study is located in the Drummet Building.
No registration is required for Bible Study.
Kids on the Court
Kids on the Court Spring 2025 registration is now open!
Kids on the Court is our afterschool program for Kindergarten through 4th grade, run by Coach Jones and Mr. A, who will lead sports and fun, active games.
KOTC is from 3-5 pm and each age group has their own designated day to meet.
3rd-4th grade GIRLS meet on Mondays.
You can register your 3rd-4th grade GIRL by clicking here.
K-2nd graders (both boys and girls) meet on Tuesdays
You can g=register your K-2nd grader by clicking here.
3rd-4th grade BOYS meet on Thursdays
You can register your 3rd-4th grade BOY by clicking here.
Crossover is a program designed for our 5th graders to help prepare them for their upcoming jump to junior high and youth ministry!
There will be snacks, silly games, activities, and impactful lessons designed to bridge the gap between elementary and junior high.
Crossover Spring 2025 registration is now open!
Crossover is a program designed for our 5th graders to help prepare them for their upcoming jump to junior high and youth ministry!
There will be snacks, silly games, activities, and impactful lessons designed to bridge the gap between elementary and junior high.
You can register your fifth grader for Crossover by clicking here.
Seasonal Events
Each year, on October 31st, we host our annual Trunk-or-Treat. Volunteers from our church will line up their decorated car trunks along the church parking lot and pass out candy to the neighborhood trick-or-treaters!
This is a fun tradition that began in 2023 as a way to reach out to and engage with the West U neighborhood. We love getting to be a light for Christ in our neighborhood!