Our curriculum for the 3 and 4 year olds builds on the basics of our Toddler curriculum. Socialization skills are stressed, sharing, taking turns, helping others, listening to others, and communicating with words to express feelings. The more these skills are developed, the more confident and responsible the child becomes. The child learns to love learning. Activities at this age are designed to help the child develop skills and abilities which are precursors to reading, e.g., sorting, visual discrimination, classifying, grouping, labeling, and sequencing objects of varying shapes, colors and sizes. At the same time, physical skills such as directionality and laterality are also developed as prerequisites to reading. Teachers read quality stories and rhymes to the children on a daily basis in order to help with language and vocabulary development. A variety of art experiences are presented daily. Math readiness and an understanding of numbers are introduced by manipulation of balls, blocks, beads, pegs, and other objects. Children learn the concept of one-to-one correspondence by helping pass out materials for work and art and setting the table for snack and lunch.