Thank you for your generosity!
Your gifts allow us to continue making disciples of Jesus Christ and sharing Christ’s love with our community.
“Jesus Calls Us,” 2025 Stewardship Campaign Virtual Pledge Card
Are you ready to make your commitment for 2025? Click here to fill out our virtual pledge card.
Give a one-time gift or set up for recurring giving through our online service.
Or you can text “GIVE” to 833-921-6729 to get started.
Budget and Financial Update
Presentation Slides
On September 15, Sue Jensen, the chair of our Finance Committee, presented a Budget and Financial Update to the congregation.
Other Ways to Give
Cash or Check — Place cash or checks (written to “West U Methodist Church”) in the offering plate, deliver to the church office, or mail to the church office.
Stocks and Other Assets — Gifts of stocks and other assets are accepted. If you would like to donate stocks or other assets please contact us.