Youth Ministries
We have a vibrant and active Youth Ministry program! We have several chances for our 6th-12th graders to hang out and experience discipleship each week. Whether it is here at church or out in the community, our youth are always up to something fun!
Upcoming Events
Summer Camps!
Our Youth Group is going to have a fantastic summer filled with many opportunities for faith development and fellowship! Here is the schedule
June 16-20: Summer Camp at Lakeview Methodist Conference Center. Lakeview is located in Palestine, TX, and is open to all incoming 6th through outgoing 12th graders.
You can register your teen for Lakeview by clicking here.
June 23-29: Big Stuf Camp. Big Stuf Camp is a 5-day youth Summer Camp located in Panama City Beach, Florida! All incoming 6th graders through outgoing 12th graders are welcome to join us.
You can register your teen for Big Stuf Camp by clicking here.
July 13-19: U.M.ARMY Missions Camp. Teens will participate in community service projects for low-income individuals while also engaging in worship and fellowship activities to promote spiritual growth and leadership development. U.M.ARMY takes place in Texas (city TBD) and is only open to incoming 9th through outgoing 12th graders.
You can register your student for U.M.ARMY by clicking here.
Week Nights
Youth Group
All 6th-12th graders are invited to join us on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm for Youth Group! We’ll eat dinner, play some crazy games, and have a Bible lesson. Youth Group takes place upstairs in the Youth Room.
Office Hours
Our Youth Director, Hanna, hosts office hours each week on Mondays from 3:30-6:30 pm and Wednesdays from 3:00-6:00. Students are invited to stop by after school and hang out, do homework, play some Mario Kart, and relax after a long day at school. Office hours take place upstairs in Hanna’s Office.
High School Bible Study
All 9th-12th graders are invited to join us for High School Bible Study. We meet on Monday Nights at 6:00 pm. This semester we will be studying the book “The Jesus I Wish I Knew in High School”. We’ll read this book alongside our Bibles and work through the workbook together!
We need volunteers!
We’re looking for volunteers to host High School Bible Study. If you’d be interested in letting us use your home for Bible Study, please click the button below!
Sunday School
Our 6th-12th graders come together each Sunday morning at 10:00 am to learn about the Word of God together. Sunday School takes place upstairs in the Youth Room. After Sunday School the Youth all head to Worship and sit together.
Sunday Night Live (SNL)
One Sunday each month, our youth get together for a fun night in the community! We’ll go somewhere fun such as an escape room or laser tag for a few hours and have fun building relationships with one another.
Our next SNL event will be on January 19th. We will be painting pottery together! Registration is $5 and you can sign up by clicking here.
Confirmation is an annual program we offer for our students in 7th grade and above. Confirmation involves classes on Sunday mornings that help teens understand key aspects of our faith and prepare them to confirm their faith in Christ and become full members of the church. Once a teen has been confirmed they are considered full members of our church and they will not need to go through Confirmation again.
We are getting ready to launch Confirmation for 2025. If you have 7th grader (or older) who has not yet been confirmed, we would love to have your teen join us! You can register your teen by clicking the button below.
Our Confirmation Kickoff celebration will be on February 23, 2025 (time TBD)
Confirmation Sunday is May 11th, 2025 at 11:00 am
We’re on social media! Make sure to follow us for the latest on what’s happening with the #westuyouth!