The sacrament of Holy Baptism is Christian initiation. Through baptism, we are welcomed into the family of God. We acknowledge and celebrate the grace of God, freely offered to us before we were even aware of it. We confess our sins and vow to trust in and serve Jesus Christ as our Lord. Baptism is the outward and visible sign of our covenant with God, where we accept God’s gifts of freedom and power that allow us to grow in faith through the constant efforts of the Holy Spirit.
In the United Methodist Church, baptism may occur at any age and is a communal celebration that almost always occurs during a regular worship service. After the baptism, the congregation vows to nurture and support those baptized—adults, youth, children, or infants. Baptisms are scheduled through the Senior Pastor.
Sprinkling, pouring, and immersion are all acceptable ways to be baptized in The United Methodist Church.